Each child is taught at his/her own developmental level, regardless of chronological age. All children have the following areas in which to work: art, blocks, dramatic play, small manipulatives, nature/science, water and sand play, and a reading/language area. Music and gross motor activities are scheduled daily. Frequently, outside programs such as theatre productions, sports lessons, artists and musicians will entertain the children. Check out our monthly calendar for specifics. In addition, Method offers foreign language lessons to our three, four and five year olds.


Goals and Objectives

Each week the teachers set class goals that may incorporate ideas from the weekly theme, basic concepts, or may be general developmental goals. Also, individual objectives are incorporated into the plan. For each age group, some general guidelines are listed below:



Set their own schedules, with naps and feedings on demand. Stimulate the senses (tactile, visual, and auditory). 
Encourage the child to imitate desired behaviors. 


Koalas (Toddlers)

Provide situations where child can actively experiment to find a solution to problems.Work within a loosely structured daily schedule. Encourage child to imitate desired behaviors. Help the child become more self-sufficient (cleaning up, caring for self).Encourage the development of the child’s language abilities. 


Cheetahs (Twos) 

Set a structured daily schedule, with planned activities in both the morning and afternoon.
Work on toilet training. This is a joint effort for both parents and teachers.

Wake County requires children to be toilet trained before advancing to the next class.
Emphasize problem solving and encourage the use of forward thinking.
Encourage developing language abilities. Focus on large muscle coordination.

Ben and Clara.jpg

Lions, Tigers, Bears (NC Pre-K) (Threes, Fours & Fives) 

Set a structured daily schedule, with planned activities in the morning and afternoon.Emphasize reasoning abilities and problem solving skills.

Help child with classification/categorization skills.
Develop each child’s special interests and encourage creativity.

Work with large and small motor coordination.
Increase concentration, listening and sharing skills through group experiences.